Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Conjunction Junction, what's your func..."

Max has taken a new interest in writing.

He writes constantly.

Sometimes, I can't get him to go to bed because he has "one more sentence" to get down on paper.

I love it.

However, while at his parent/teacher conference this week, the teacher explained to me how she is always reminding him that in his writing, he cannot begin the sentence with the word AND.

I immediately sat up and nodded my head and pretended to agree.

In case you haven't noticed, I do this a lot.

I begin sentences with AND.

I know the rules. Mom was an English teacher/grammar Nazi, remember.

I just like it. I like the way it flows and I hate long, wordy, run-on sentences!

And...(for example) rules of writing change. Using conjunctions to begin a sentence is becoming more acceptable, particularly in informal writing.

Sometimes, I'll even throw in a BUT to start a sentence. I'm crazy like that.

Would I use it on a resume' or in an email to my boss? No.

Will I continue to do it here? Absolutely.

But, I guess that for the sake of his educational record, I should discourage my young Hemingway from using the AND in a more creative and pleasant-sounding fashion.

In time, he will learn that a good writer can bend the rules of grammar without appearing to be an idiot. (Please just spell correctly, because that sin in nearly unforgivable!).


Lindsey Wood-Felstead said...

Love it! You are the best writer ever, I have no doubt your kids will be too!! Way to go Max!!

Keri said...

He is so lucky to get that talent from you and your mom!

The Little Miss said...

I will be featuring your sweet room look out for it!!! :) Thank you so much for letting me post and your family are beautiful...cant get over it!!!

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